Wednesday 2 March 2011

Stitch for Victory

The long awaited Stitch for Victory poster has arrived, many thanks to our graphic designer Chris Taylor for the hours and hours he spent creating the painterly effect.

Dig for Victory

Taking inspiration from the WW2 40s poster 'Dig for Victory Now' we decided it would be fitting to gather a trug full of sewing and second world war objects to recreate the original poster with a stitch twist!

Easier said than done......

First find a trug, then fill with objects that represent WW2 and stitch, however the objects need to instantly recognizable and represent all aspects of the exhibition.

Second arrange so that trug and contents appear placed, without thought but so that every object is clear in the frame.

Third find the right angle for the photograph without obscuring the contents, now this is where I found a problem whenever I had the camera in the right position the handle obscured the gas mask. After much playing and rearranging I made the decision the angle of trug would have to be slightly different.

Then all over to the graphic designer to make it look like the original hand illustrated poster.

Friday 24 September 2010

Stitching Appeal

Do you have memories of stitching during the Second World War?

Did you sew at school or knit for the troops?
Do you remember mother or father stitching in the shelter?
Perhaps an aunt sewing in a factory or an uncle embroidering as he convalesced? What did your family do to 'Make Do and Mend'?

Do you have photographs of a relative wearing a wedding dress made from parachute silk or a garment that was once your father's, made into a garment for you?

The Redoubt Fortress & Military Museum is researching the significance of stitching, embroidery, needlework and knitting in WWII for an exhibition that will be opening at the Redoubt in 2011.

Please email Karen Taylor with your memories of stitching or write to 'Stitch Appeal', Redoubt Fortress, Royal Parade, Eastbourne, BN22 7AQ.